It is a current theme in the evangelical church, especially in emergent type churches, to say that seminary and bible study in general are useless and something only for religious hypocrites. Doesn't the bible itself say that action is all that matters? We'll see that this is not the case. In the emergent church especially there is a wing of thought that says that rigid doctrines are archaic, seminary is for Pharisee, and bible study is for people who are spiritually "fat" and don't want to serve. As with a lot of issues coming from the emergent church there is a lot we can learn from this, but the answer to this problem is not to stop bible studies, or to stop encouraging seminary. The answer is not to jump to the opposite extreme, but to hold to both: that seminary, bible study, doctrine AND obedience and service are necessary. In fact as I have shown in the first deep roots blog, what we believe directly affects our obedience.
But I briefly wanted to quote some verses, that show that studying the bible is still important! Action alone is not what is needed. Studying the word + action is what is needed!
Does it make you a Pharisee if you test what your pastor says? To check it with Scripture and correct his error? NO!
11Now these Jews were more noble than those in Thessalonica; they received the word with all eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see if these things were so. - Acts 17:11
Does it make you a Pharisee to study hermeneutics (the right interpretation of Scripture) or to challenge people that misrepresent or twist Scripture? No!
15Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth. - 2 Timothy 2:15
Does it make you a Pharisee to discourage bible study, not teach the bible correctly, and judge others who want to study scripture deeper? Yes!
29But Jesus answered them, "You are wrong, because you know neither the Scriptures nor the power of God. - Matthew 22:29
So why go to seminary? Why study the bible? Because our Lord tells us to know the Scriptures, to handle them well, and to examine them to see if the things around us are true. It is our ultimate source of truth.
The young emergent types are not the only ones among young Christians with opinions, however. And there is a rising group that are in outward opposition to this type of thinking on doctrine and bible study. Christianity Today calls them the "young, restless, reformed." This word "Reformed" is often associated with the doctrine of election, but this article says that these young Christians have "less of a problem with churches that don't teach election than with churches that downplay doctrine in general." It goes on to say that many in the movement find unity under "concerns with seeker churches, church-growth marketing, and manipulative revival techniques."
What is the underlying issue then for the "young, restless, reformed? It is the authority of the bible; and rightly so. The bible has been subject to the movements of the age, as people have neglected it's authority for business/marketing techniques, persuasive speaking techniques, psychology, and even neglected it because of the good desire for justice and action.
But what does the bible itself teach? Is studying scripture or action more important to Jesus? Many emergent are saying action, others might say studying, but the Word says BOTH important.
I pray that the church has a resurgence back to the true authority of Scripture over anything that opposes it.
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