Recently New Atheist religious leader Richard Dawkins has more to say about the bible he hates.
As I have said in my classes, what sets apart New Atheism from Atheism in general, is the militant desire to proselytize and condemn any other belief as if New Atheist thinkers are the only logical people. Sadly, this is not so, and Dawkins shows this again in his recent words.
Prof Dawkins, writing in the Observer, recently accepts the controversial idea that there should be a bible in every school, but for different reasons than one might expect: "It is not a moral book and young people need to learn that important fact because they are very frequently told the opposite".
Dawkins goes on and says, "People who do not know the Bible well have been gulled into thinking it is a good guide to morality."
He adds, "I have even heard the cynically misanthropic opinion that, without the Bible as a moral compass, people would have no restraint against murder, theft and mayhem... The surest way to disabuse yourself of this pernicious falsehood is to read the Bible itself..."
Without commenting specifically on what Dawkins is criticizing, I have to first ask this simple question in response to Dawkins: What is your standard of morality? What is the morality your appealing to? If the world is just a cosmic ball of chance that has formed together by random genetic mutations and natural selection, how in the world did morals enter the scene? What makes something, or the bible in your view, 'immoral'?
The only logical conclusion of Atheism is moral relativism; If there is no God, morals can only be relative to people & cultures, and if morals can only be relative then it is improper to judge one moral better than another.
If this is the case, again, we see a huge contradiction in Atheistic thought. If the bible is really immoral, as Dawkins claims, he has absolutely no authority or standard by which he can say it is immoral, unless he appeals to a concrete Standard, or Moral Law. And, if there is an Absolute Moral Law, there must be an Absolute Lawgiver.. a Creator... So, for now, he, and his followers, are stuck in a bundle of contradictions claiming a moral standard, without any basis for it's existence. Will they ever recognize God and his Law of liberty & love? Only by His grace...
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